LABPEI - Hot news | Virlaza™ improves pulmonary, hematological and muscular recovery of post-covid-19 patient

The Laboratory of Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (LABPEI) have identified that an herbal product from Israel (ImmuneCov™/Virlaza™) from Libi Pharm was able to accelerate the cardiopulmonary and hematological recovery of a severe COVID-19 patient who had several comorbidities.

The study is submitted as a Case Report and is under evaluation in the Case Reports in Medicine, an international peer review journal. In summary, this study is demonstrating that 12 days of ImmuneCov™/Virlaza™ oral administration, resulted in reduced lung inflammation, demonstrated by reduced levels of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), improved all parameters of lung function, improved the oxygen saturation, and improved very significantly the structural aspects of the lungs, reducing ground-opacities, as demonstrated by computerized tomography (CT).
In addition, all hematological features were also improved after only 12 days of ImmuneCov™/Virlaza™ administration.

So, the potential of ImmuneCov™/Virlaza™ for recovery of severe COVID-19 patients are guaranteed, as well as a clinical trial in a near future. I think it can reduce days of hospitalization, days of sicknesses and mortality.
Development and research of the company "LibiPharm" - "LibiPharm" Israel.
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